Direct links to gba rom hacks
Hello everyone its me 'gbahero' below i have given direct links of some gba rom hacks I hope all the viewers enjoy them.
Pokemon A Grand Day Out (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon A New Dawn (Alpha 0.2) (GD)
Pokemon Abandoned Ruby (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Adamantite (GD)
Pokemon Alpha (GD)
Pokemon Alternate Nusantara (INDO) (G
Pokemon Amazing Cortana (Act 2.5) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Amnesia (GD)
Pokemon Ancient (Alpha 3) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Apollo (Beta 0.3) (GD)
Pokemon Aqua (Beta) (GD)
Pokemon Aqua Blue (Demo) (GD)
Pokemon Arceus Legend (Alpha 1) (GD)
Pokemon Arcoiris (Final) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Armageddon (Beta) (GD)
Pokemon Artificial Red (v1.1) {Resource} (GD)
Pokemon Ash's Chapter (Alpha) (GD)
Pokemon Ash's Quest (Final Fixed) (GD)
Pokemon Ash Journey Part 1 (v2000) (GD)
Pokemon Ash Journey Part 2 (v2000) (GD)
Pokemon Aspera (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Azotic Fire (Beta 1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Battle Ultimate (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Better Emerald (v1.1) (GD)
Pokemon Black Dark (Beta 4) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Black Diamond (GD)
Pokemon Black Orb (Alpha 2) (GD)
Pokemon Black: Special Castle Edition 1 (Goomba) (GD)
Pokemon Blackened Night (Alpha 3.1) (GD)
Pokemon Blasting Off/Team Rocket Version (v3.0) (GD)
Pokemon Blazing Red (Beta 0.1.4) (GD)
Pokemon Blue Deluxe (DX) (Hard) (GB) (Beta 1.09 H4) (GD)
Pokemon Blue Emu Edition (v1) (GD)
Pokemon Blue Full Color (v1.2 Gen2 Graphics Patch) (GD)
Pokemon Blue Full Color Open World (commit c5e2812) (GD)
Pokemon Blue Legend (Beta 1) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Blue Stars (Final) (Pt-Br) (GD)
Pokemon Blue Stars 2 (Final) (Pt-Br) (GD)
Pokemon Blue Upgrade (v2.0) (GB) (GD)
Pokemon Bright Gold (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Brutal Version (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Bug Version (Final) (GD)
Pokemon Burning Red (v1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Burning Ruby (GD)
Pokemon Camp Baker (v1.3) (GD)
Pokemon Card GB2: Here Comes Team GR! (English Fan Translation) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Catastrophe (Beta v0.6) (GD)
Pokemon Celebi's Return (v1.02) (GD)
Pokemon Celestial (Beta 2) {by Vihar and Spider Man} (GD)
Pokemon Celestium (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Cerice (v1.5 Complete) (GD)
Pokemon Champions (Beta 8) (GD)
Pokemon Charcoal (r8.2) (GD)
Pokemon Chaos Black (v3.1 Fixed) (GD)
Pokemon Chrome (v0.6) (GD)
Pokemon Cintrine (Final v1.05) (GD)
Pokemon Citrite (Alpha 1.3.1) (GD)
Pokemon Classic 151 (S) (GD)
Pokemon Classified (Alpha) (GD)
Pokemon Clear Ocean (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Cobalt (Beta 1.4) (GD)
Pokemon Cokemon (v1.3) (GB) (GD)
Pokemon Cokemon Gold (v0.3) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Conversion Emerald (Beta v175) (GD)
Pokemon Creepy Black (GD)
Pokemon Crimson (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Crono (Beta 2) (GD)
Pokemon Crush (Beta v1.7 English) (GD)
Pokemon Crush (Beta v2 Final) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Crystal 2.0 (23rd March 2019 release) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Crystal Shards (GD)
Pokemon Crystal Shards (Beta 1.2) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Crystal Version Emu Edition (v1.3b) (GD)
Pokemon Daia (GD)
Pokemon Dardusk (Alpha 0.1) (GD)
Pokemon Dark {by Aryan} (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon DarkBlue (Beta 1) (S) (GD)
Pokemon DarkJasper (Beta) (GD)
Pokemon Darkness Falls (v0.11) (GD)
Pokemon Dark Begin (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Dark Cry (Beta 5) (GD)
Pokemon Dark Crystal (Beta 1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Dark Future (Crystal) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Dark Knight (Alpha v1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Dark Rising 1 Mega Version (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Delta Fusion (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Derpizard (v1.2) (GD)
Pokemon Derp Emerald (v5.4) (GD)
Pokemon Diamond (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Digimon FireRed (v1) (GD)
Pokemon Digimon: Operation Digipedia (Alpha) (GD)
Pokemon Digimon Virus Version (v5) (GD)
Pokemon Dimension Legends (Demo + fixed grammar) (GD)
Pokemon Discovery (Beta 1 v0.2.1) (GD)
Pokemon Distortion Black (Demo) (GD)
Pokemon DR (v1.02) (GD)
Pokemon Drab Conspiracy (Beta 1.4 English Translation) (GD)
Pokemon Dream Seasons (Beta 1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Dragonstone (Alpha 1.63) (GD)
Pokemon Dragonstone 2 (GD)
Pokemon Dying Sun (Beta) (GD)
Pokemon Ebony Phantom (v5.0) (CH) (GD)
Pokemon Eccentric Emerald (v1.41) (GD)
Pokemon Echo Emerald (Early Alpha) (GD)
Pokemon Electric Yellow (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Electro Ball (Alpha 1) (GD)
Pokemon Elegant Emerald (v1.3) (GD)
Pokemon Elemental Rift (Alpha 1) (GD)
Pokemon Elite Quest (Alpha 1) (GD)
Pokemon Emeraldouble (GD)
Pokemon Emerald 802 (v3.0) (CH) (GD)
Pokemon Emerald Dreams (Alpha 1) (GD)
Pokemon Emerald Epsilon (v2.0) (GD)
Pokemon Emerald Final (v7.38) (GD)
Pokemon Emerald Green (v1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Emerald: Hard Edition (GD)
Pokemon Emerald Legendary Version (GD)
Pokemon Emerald Lucario (CH) (GD)
Pokemon Emerald Mystery Magikarp Edition (GD)
Pokemon Emerald Omega (October 24, 2014) (GD)
Pokemon Emerald Renewal (10th June 2017 update) (GD)
Pokemon Emeraude Plus (v3.0) (FR) (GD)
Pokemon Eruption (Beta 2.1.6) (GD)
Pokemon Estação HD 2 (Andih) (GD)
Pokemon Estação HD 2 (Furipe) (GD)
Pokemon Evil Drill (JP) (GD)
Pokemon Evo Yellow (v3.2) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Evo Yellow Eevee Edition (v3.2) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Extra (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Fantasia (Beta 1 English Patch) (GD)
Pokemon Final Red (Alpha 2.3) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Final Red (Beta 1.7) (S) (GD)
Pokemon FireRed 800 {Resource} (GD)
Pokemon FireRed 807 Randomized (v1.0) {by J-Steven} {Base} (GD)
Pokemon FireRed A Reboot (Build 8) (GD)
Pokemon FireRed Advanced (v1.2) (GD)
Pokemon FireRed Extreme Randomizer {by SKR} (GD)
Pokemon FireRed Kalos (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon FireRed Reborn (Pre-Alpha 1.2) (GD)
Pokemon FireRed Remastered: Oak Edition (May 2nd, 2019) (GD)
Pokemon FireRed Remixed (v02 + Physical/Special split) (GD)
Pokemon FireRed Shiny Flame (GD)
Pokemon FireRed Super-Extra-Nostalgia Edition (Deluxe) (GD)
Pokemon FireRed Ultimate Edition (S) (GD)
Pokemon FireRed Wonder Trade Challenger (GD)
Pokemon FireRed: Wrath of Dark Mewtwo (GD)
Pokemon Fire Blast (v2.0) (GD)
Pokemon Fire Redouble (GD)
Pokemon Fire Red Backwards Edition/ Der Erif (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Fire Red Evolution (v0.95) (GD)
Pokemon Fire Red: Generations (Beta 1.5a) (GD)
Pokemon Fire Red Legends (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Fire Red Mega Edition (v1.01) (GD)
Pokemon Fire Red Omega (Final Beta) (GD)
Pokemon Fire Red Origins (08-19-16) (GD)
Pokemon Fire Rojo (Completed) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Fire Sun (Final) {Old} (GD)
Pokemon Fiya Red (v2.6) (JP) (GD)
Pokemon Flame Fakemon (Completed) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Flame of Rage (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Flame of Rebirth (Demo) (GD)
Pokemon Flame Red (GD)
Pokemon Flaming FireRed (v1.5) {Discontinued} (GD)
Pokemon Flaming Grace (v1.1) (GD)
Pokemon Fllare Red (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Fllare Red 2: The Mist (Beta 2) (GD)
Pokemon Flora Sky Rebirth (v12.18 English Translation) (GD)
Pokemon Flora Sky Rebirth (Build v1.0 April 23, 2019) (Pt) (GD)
Pokemon Fresh Silver (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Frigo Returns (v0.2) (GD)
Pokemon Frosty (GD)
Pokemon Furious Flames (Beta 2.72) (GD)
Pokemon Fused Emerald (Alpha 3) (GD)
Pokemon Gaia Snagemizer (v3.2) (GD)
Pokemon Galacta (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Galacta Advanced Mega Version (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Galaxy Elements (Alpha 0.5) (GD)
Pokemon Garuda (Indo) (GD)
Pokemon Gary Edition (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Gastly's Origins (Beta 3.2) (GD)
Pokemon Ghetto (v1.1) (GD)
Pokemon Giovanni's Revenge (Beta) (GD)
Pokemon Giratina's Legend (Alpha 0.7.5) (ITA) (GD)
Pokemon Glacier (Pre-Beta 0.5) (GD)
Pokemon Glazed Reborn (v3.9 Mega) (GD)
Pokemon Gold 2.0 (25th March 2019 release) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Gold HardType (v2.0) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Gold Spaceworld 1997 Demo Debug (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Gold Spaceworld Restoration (v2.1) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Gold Version Emu Edition (GD)
Pokemon Grand Theft Pokemon (v1.2) (ITA) (GD)
Pokemon Green {by Montblanc} (Patch 2.3) (English) (GD)
Pokemon Green {by ShaneM} (Rev D) (English) (GD)
Pokemon Hard Fire (v2.2) (Fr) (GD)
Pokemon Harvestcraft (v2.0) (GD)
Pokemon Heaven (Beta 4) (GD)
Pokemon Hell Red (GD)
Pokemon Hetamon Awesome Version (v3) (GD)
Pokemon Hoenn Adventures (December 19, 2018) (S) (GD)
Pokemon HotPink Version (GD)
Pokemon Hunters of the Ancients (Beta 0.3) (GD)
Pokemon Hyetology (Beta 1.2) (GD)
Pokemon Hyetology (Beta 1.2 Fixed / 29th July) (GD)
Pokemon Hyper Emerald 807 (v2.1) {English Translation} (GD)
Pokemon Hyper Emerald v4 Ash (17th October, 2019) (CHN) (GD)
Pokemon Hyper Emerald v4 Inevitable (v4.4) {English Translation Patch 1.6} (GD)
Pokemon Hyper Emerald Z Destroy Former (v2.96) {English Translation Patch 2} (GD)
Pokemon Hyper Emerald Z (v3.0A) {English Translation Patch 1} (GD)
Pokemon Hypno's Lullaby (GD)
Pokemon Identity (Beta 1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Ikaru's Lost Property (v2.4) (GD)
Pokemon Imperial (S) (GD)
Pokemon Impossible Crystal (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Indian Platinum (v1.82) (GD)
Pokemon Indian Ruby (GD)
Pokemon Infernal Legend (Beta 2.1) (GD)
Pokemon Intel Version (Alpha 1.0.2) (GD)
Pokemon Jade (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Johto Adventures- Rebirth (Alpha 2.1) (GD)
Pokemon Johto League Showdown (Alpha 1.3) (GD)
Pokemon Jupiter (v6) (GD)
Pokemon Jupiter (v6 Fixed) {Unofficial} (GD)
Pokemon Justicieros (Beta 0.5) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Kanto Reformation (Version 0.25) (GD)
Pokemon Kanto Roads (Demo v0.1) (GD)
Pokemon Kanto Z (Beta v0.1.2) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Kelayapan (Final) (Indo) (GD)
Pokemon Kody's Emerald (Final: Better Together) (GD)
Pokemon Kyanite (Beta 1.2) (GD)
Pokemon Last King (Beta 1) (ITA) (GD)
Pokemon Lavandonia (ITA) (GD)
Pokemon Lavender (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon LeafGreen Advanced {by Mick} (GD)
Pokemon LeafGreen Balanced Alolan Version (GD)
Pokemon Legacy (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Legendary Ashes (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Legend of Fenju (Beta 1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Let's Beat Mew (GD)
Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee GBA
Pokemon Let's Go Red (v2.0) (GD)
Pokemon Light Sun (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Lightning Yellow {by Shadows} (Demo) (GD)
Pokemon Lightning Yellow {by red} (v0.12) (GD)
Pokemon Light Platinum Mega Version (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Light Platinum Ultimate (v1) (Pt) (GD)
Pokemon Light Rising (Beta 1.1) (GD)
Pokemon Light Version (Beta 1.01) (GD)
Pokemon LionHeart (Beta 2.0.1) (GD)
Pokemon Liquid Ocean (Alpha 1.2) (GD)
Pokemon Lost Treasure (Beta) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Lunares (Beta 1.2) (Pt) (GD)
Pokemon Luola (Beta 1.1) (GD)
Pokemon Luria (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Magikarp's Adventure (Beta) (GD)
Pokemon Maia (Version Infinity Point 2) (GD)
Pokemon Marble (Beta 2) (GD)
Pokemon Mario Mon (v1.3) (GD)
Pokemon Mars (Demo v0.1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Master Quest Kanto (GD)
Pokemon Mega Emerald X & Y (GD)
Pokemon Mega Evolution Aquamarine (Demo) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Mega Flora Sky (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Mega Moemon FireRed (v1.1.8c) (GD)
Pokemon Mega Origins (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Mega Ruby (GD)
Pokemon Mega Sapphire (GD)
Pokemon Mirage of Tales (v0.1 Pre Alpha) (GD)
Pokemon Mirage of Tales: A New Age Dawns (v2.1 U2) (GD)
Pokemon Mirage of Tales: The Ages of Faith (Kala's Prologue) (GD)
Pokemon Mirage of Tales: The Ages of Faith (Evandor's Prologue) (GD)
Pokemon Mirage of Tales: The Ages of Faith (Zhafira's Prologue) (GD)
Pokemon Mitic Island (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Moemon Emerald (v1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Moemon FireRed (GD)
Pokemon Moemun Emerald Fore (GD)
Pokemon Moemun Emerald Tow (GD)
Pokemon Moon Galaxy (Beta 2) (GD)
Pokemon MrDollSteak's Decap and Attack Rombase (v1.5a) (GD)
Pokemon Mutatipo (Beta 0.3) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Mystery 9 (Beta 1.5.1) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Advanced Rescue Team (Beta 2) (GD)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Recruit Team (v1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team Complete Team Control Mod (v1.6 L+Start) (GD)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team Kaizo (3rd May, 2019) (GD)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team QOL Changes (v0.9) (GD)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Legend of the Psychics (v1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Mystical (Completed) (S) (GD)
Pokemon My Ass (Final) (GD)
Pokemon Nameless FireRed Project (Alpha 1.03 Unofficial) (GD)
Pokemon Naranja (v2B) (GD)
Pokemon Navis (Beta 1.1) (GD)
Pokemon NavyBlue (Beta 1.0) (GD)
Pokemon New Era (v1.0) (Pt-Br) (GD)
Pokemon New Fire Red (v4) (GD)
Pokemon New Gold 2018 (GD)
Pokemon Nidokingdom (Beta 2) (GD)
Pokemon NKP (v1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Nusantara (v0.4) (Indo) (GD)
Pokemon NX (v.0.1.0-0U) (GD)
Pokemon OA Emerald (Final) (GD)
Pokemon ObsidianBlack (Beta 3.2) (GD)
Pokemon (Old) Ruby (v1.3) (GD)
Pokemon Omega (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Omega Origins (Final) (GD)
Pokemon Onyx Blue (Final Beta) (GD)
Pokemon OrangeSun (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Orange Generation (Beta 2) (GD)
Pokemon Orb (Final 2012) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Orchid (Alpha 1) (GD)
Pokeluv Emerald (Final 28th March 2020 update) (GD)
Pokeluv FireRed (Full 29th Feb 2020 update) (GD)
Pokemon Paper Mario Redux (Alpha 1) (GD)
Pokemon Penumbra (Beta 1) (ITA) (GD)
Pokemon Perfect Crystal (10th February, 2020 update) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Perla (Final Version) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Pikachu Edition (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Pilar Xare (English Beta 0.5.1) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Pink (Beta 1.1) (GD)
Pokemon Pink (v1.1) (GB) (GD)
Pokemon Piter Version (GD)
Pokemon Platinum GBA (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Platinum Origins (Alpha 1) (GD)
Pokemon PokeCrystal Demo (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Poli Edition (GD)
Pokemon Prism (Summer 2010 Beta) {Older} (GBC) (GD)
Project Neo Adventure (October 20, 2016) (GB) (GD)
Project Pokemon Emerald (v0.5) (GD)
Pokemon Pyrite (14-03-16 update) (GD)
Pokemon Radish (Beta v1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Ragnarok (Discontinued) (GD)
Pokemon Random Sky (Pt-Br) (GD)
Pokemon Red: Battle Factory (v1.2) (GB) (GD)
Pokemon Red Deluxe (DX) {Easy} (Beta 1.09 H1) (GB) (GD)
Pokemon Red Full Color (v1.2 Gen2 Graphics Patch) (GD)
Pokemon Red Full Color Open World (commit c5e2812) (GD)
Pokemon Red: Proud Eyes Edition (GD)
Pokemon Red Upgrade (v2.0) (GB) (GD)
Pokemon Red Version Emu Edition (GD)
Pokemon Revenge (Pre-Beta 0.0.1) (GD)
Pokemon RG (Final Version) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Ridiculous Ruby (v1) (GD)
Pokemon rijonAdventures X (2013) (GD)
Pokemon Rising Red {by aqif} (Beta 2.0/Canceled) (GD)
Pokemon Rocky (Version 0.1) (GD)
Pokemon Ruby Generation Discovery (Beta 2) (GD)
Pokemon Ruby Renev (v1.2.1) (GD)
Pokemon Ruby: The Prequel (GD)
Pokemon Rusty (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Satanic Lavender Town Version (GD)
Pokemon Scarlet (Beta 1.0) (GD)
Pokemon Scorched Earth (v2.1) (GD)
Pokemon Sea Green Advance (v1.5) (GD)
Pokemon Secrets and Rumours (2012 Demo) (GD)
Pokemon Shadow Destiny (Beta 1) (GD)
Pokemon Shiny Jewel (Alpha 2.01 Fix) (GD)
Pokemon Shock Yellow (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Shrouded Chaos (Alpha) (GD)
Pokemon Shuckle Version (Demo 1.2) (GD)
Pokemon Silver 2.0 (25th March 2019 release) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Silver Legend (Beta 1.0.5) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Sinnoh Quest (Update 2) (GD)
Pokemon Skyline (Beta 1 Fix 1.3) (GD)
Pokemon Smiley Face (GD)
Pokemon Snowy White (v6.0 EX March 26, 2018) (CH) (GD)
Pokemon Snowy White (English Translation) (GD)
Pokemon Spark Yellow (commit cbe11c8) (GB) (GD)
Pokemon Spice (Beta 0.5) (GD)
Pokemon Spirit Emerald (v1.2) (GD)
Pokemon Stadium Advanced (Beta 1.1) (GD)
Pokemon Stardust (Alpha 1) (GD)
Pokemon Stone Dragon (Remake) (Pt) (GD)
Pokemon Strike Yellow (Beta 0.4) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Stronger (S) (GD)
Pokemon Strongest Evolution (v3) (GD)
Pokemon Stygian (Demo 0.015) (GD)
Pokemon Sun Flare (8th Feb 2019) (GD)
Pokemon Sun Red (v1.3) (GD)
Pokemon Sun Ruby (Beta 0.23) (GD)
Pokemon Sun Shrine (GD)
Pokemon Sun Sky (Beta 2) (GD)
Pokemon Super Fire Red {Mega In-battle} (Pre-Act 7) (GD)
Pokemon Super Fire Red {Mega Out-of-battle} (Pre-Act 7) (GD)
Pokemon Super Glazed (17th May, 2020) (GD)
Pokemon Super Light Platinum (Mod 03) (GD)
Pokemon Super Mega Emerald (08-30-2014 Update) (GD)
Pokemon Super Theta Emerald (v1.7.6) (GD)
Pokemon Supreme Fire: Mewtwo's Revenge (Beta 2) (GD)
Pokemon Team Rocket Jessie James Edition (Beta 2.5) (S) (GD)
Pokemon TRE: Team Rocket Edition (Final) (GB) (GD)
Pokemon The Inscription of the Heaven (0017) (CH) (GD)
Pokemon The Other Moemon Emerald Port (v2.0 10-15-16) (GD)
Pokemon The Other Moemon Emerald Port {Sigma Emerald} (v2.0 10-15-16) (GD)
Pokemon The Strongest Pure White (v5.0) (CH) (GD)
Pokemon The Tempest (Beta 2) (GD)
Pokemon Theta Emerald (v1.4) (GD)
Pokemon Theta Emerald EX 721 (Alpha 1.1.5) {Old} (GD)
Pokemon Theta Sun X (Alpha) (GD)
Pokemon Thunder {by Ishrak Rahman} (GD)
Pokemon Thunder Yellow (Final) (GD)
Pokemon Thunder Yellow (v1.1.1) (GB) (GD)
Pokemon Tioh: The Mark of the Sky (v0.111) (CH) (GD)
Pokemon Times (Beta 1.1) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Too Awesome (2Awesome) (GD)
Pokemon Top Secret (Beta 1.5) (GD)
Pokemon Touhoumon Another World (v1.51+) (GD)
Pokemon ToxicPurple (Alpha 1) (GD)
Pokemon TPP: Anniversary Red (v4.7.3) (GB) (GD)
Pokemon TPP: Anniversary Crystal (v1.2.3) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Trilogy (GB) (GD)
Pokemon Tri-Color Nostalgia Series (March 6, 2018) (GB) (GD)
Pokemon U White (Alpha 0.3) (GD)
Pokemon Ukemerald (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Ultimate Mega FireRed (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon Ultimate Mega Ruby (v2) (GD)
Pokemon UltraSol UltraLuna (S) (GD)
Pokemon UltraSol Y UltraLuna (ITA) (GD)
Pokemon UltraTipos (S) (GD)
Pokemon UltraTipos (English Translation) (GD)
Pokemon Ultra FireRed (March 14, 2018) (GD)
Pokemon Ultra Mega Emerald 2: The Legends of X & Y (GD)
Pokemon Ultra Red Ultra Green (July 30, 2017) (Pt-Br) (GD)
Pokemon Ultra Red Version Infinity (GD)
Pokemon Ultra Skies (Beta 1 English) (GD)
Pokemon Undercover (Final) (GD)
Pokemon Universe (Beta) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Unnamed Open Worldly Fire Red (Beta 0.2) (GD)
Pokemon Untitled Unova Game (Demo 3) (GD)
Pokemon Uranium (Beta 3) (GD)
Pokemon UTV Red (Completed) (GD)
Pokemon V (Beta 1) {English Translation} (GD)
Pokemon Venotide (GD)
Pokemon Version Eclat Pourpre (v2.0.0) (Fr) (GD)
Pokemon Vietnamese Crystal (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon Violet (Alpha 2.0.3) (G) (GD)
Pokemon Voces Celestiales (Beta 1.1) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Volcano (Beta 1) (Pt-Br) (GD)
Pokemon Vortex (Beta 3) (GD)
Pokemon Wally and the Seven Sins (GD)
Pokemon Warped (Beta 3) (GD)
Pokemon WaterRed (April 20, 2018 Update) (GD)
Pokemon Whisky Brown (v0.1) (GD)
Pokemon White Gold (v1.4) (GBC) (GD)
Pokemon White Version (Goomba) (GD)
Pokemon WindowsWorld (Beta RC3 Fixed) (GD)
Pokemon World Tour (Beta 2) (GD)
Pokemon World Zoala ET Unaloa (GD)
Pokemon Yellow Advanced 2019 (April 17, 2019) (GD)
Pokemon Yellow Debug (GD)
Pokemon Yellow Plus (With Surf) (v1.3) (GD)
Pokemon Yet Another Fire Red Hack {YAFRH} (v1.16B) (GD)
Pokemon Zandite (Alpha) (GD)
Pokemon Zei (Beta) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Zephyr (Demo) (GD)
Pokemon Zero Negative (Beta) (GD)
Pokemon Zoala (v0.1.7) (GD)
Other Stuff
Digimon GBA (v1) (GD)
Digimon New World (Beta 1) (GD)
Digimon Sapphire (GD)
DragonBall Z Buu's Fury: The Hard Way (v1.1) (GD)
Mega Man Battle Network 4.5: Real Operation (English Translation v1.0) (GD)
Mega Man Battle Network 6: Mega Rock Patch (v3.04) (GD)
Mega Man Battle Network 7: Lost Dimension (Beta 1) (GD)
Moemon 3RdX+ Extreme Battlers (v2.05) (JP) (GD)
Moemon FireRed Revival Project (v2.6) (GD)
Moemon FireRed Revival Project (v2.5 + Magikarp-tan Trainer) (GD)
Moemon Forever (v3) (MF)
Moemon Liquid Crystal (GD)
Moemon Sigma Emerald (v1.914) (GD)
Moemon Ultra Violet (GD)
Pokemon FireRed Ben 10 (Beta) (GD)
Pokemon FireRed One Piece (GD)
Pokemon Naruto Ruby (GD)
Pokemon Verde Hierba (Beta 1.0) (S) (GD)
Pokemon Yellow English Translation (NES) (GD)
Pokemon PokeScape (18th July, 2019) (GD)
Po-Ke-Mon! {Yu-Gi-Oh!} (GD)
Randomized Moon Emerald (v0.8) {by Siddharth} (ZS)
Sonicmon Advance (Beta) (GD)
Sonicmon Fire Red (v2.1) (GD)
Touhoumon Purple (Normal 13th April 2019 update) (GD)
Touhou Puppet Play Enhanced (Reloaded) (v5.01) (GD)
Smashmons: Spirit Red (June 29, 2019 Release) (GD)
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